Ancient Serdika amphitheatre
Discovered accidentally during the construction of a hotel on Budapeshta str. In Sofia in 2004. Represents a complex of several important ancient buildings: a Roman theatre from the end of II century – beginning of the III century, and amphitheatre dating back to the end of the III/beginning of the IV century. The amphitheatre is the 77th ancient monument of its kind in the world and its size is comparable to that of the Coliseum in Rome. The dimensions of the oval arena are 60.5 m (length) and 43 m (width; only 10 m less from the Coliseum's arena). The findings have been declared unique, without analogue in the world.
So far, only three sites of the amphitheatre have been exposed.
In the Dondoukov blvd. part, we have conducted a rescue conservation of exposed parts of cone-shaped walls, carrying the platforms using biocidal treatment and partial sticking, and afterwards the walls were packed with a protecting cover against the vegetation.